Web & Software Development

Csharp Development

A multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language and an upgraded version of C++ is Csharp. It incorporates object-oriented, generic, imperative, declarative, functional, strong, lexically scoped, static, and component-oriented programming disciplines. Under this service, a variety of apps are built, from desktop applications to web-based applications, mobile applications, and cross-platform applications.

Visual Basic Development

BASIC is the ancestor of Visual Basic (VB), an event-driven programming language that offers a graphical user interface (GUI). By merely dragging and dropping objects and customizing their behavior and look, it enables programmers to change code. This platform is often referred to as rapid application development (RAD) system for building fast and visual-effects-rich applications. Even though it can only be used with Windows, its user interface is promising.

Front-End Development

Likewise known as client-side development, this entails building an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript website or web application for users to see and interact with them directly. However, the methods and technologies used to build a website's front are constantly changing, which slows down business. Hiring an e-commerce marketing agency like Wideover is your best option since we always stay alert about the advancements in the industry. We will ensure that your website content is understandable and that you get a lot of traffic.

Back-End Development

Back-end development develops the server-side logic that powers websites and applications. This includes codes to build the database, server, and application. Considering this as the backbone of the application, this looks into database migrations, API integrations, and setting up the server-side technologies which make the website work. All of these are needed to make your project no 1.

Content Management Services

With content management service, the marketing agency will manage your website content. The management system manages digital content and acts as a place where you can store your content, modify it and publish it. We will mostly take care of this. However, you will also have access to make necessary updates and revise and check the progress

Automation & Embedded Solutions

In case you need help with your application setup and development, Wideover is here to help you. We provide customized application development packages to our clients based on their business requirements. Reach out to us for consultations today!

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